The Doctor Who Series Wiki

Profile. No, wait...nah, it can't be...wait what?

Just call me K.S.

Actually, don't call me that. Just go a head and call me Styracosaurus Rider. That other one is just my initials.

Anyway, I figured I should do my Writer's Page, and I just needed a name.

The Early Years[]

Well, I was born somewhere between 1996-1998 (this is going to sound weird but I hate to keep track of my age. Just get me to driving age and I'll be happy) in New Jersey, US of A. The first few years are uneventful, aside from 2 trips to Canada.

Then my family decided I should be homeschooled, so luckily I have a lot of time on my hands. Kind of. I won't talk about that.

When The Unquiet Dead aired, it was all over, and Doctor Who has had me reeled in hook line and sinker ever since.

The Later Years[]

I joined Wikia in October 2010, on the Calvin and Hobbes Wiki. Hence the username. Then came the Jurassic Park Wiki. And then there were a whole bunch of others that I won't list, because the number is up in to the 30s now. I'm an admin and/or bureaucrat on at least 10 of them.

Surprisingly, it took until November for me to join a Doctor Who wiki. Ironically, it was the day before the show's 47th birthday. I had no idea about this.

But there you are. That's all the stuff that isn't boring.

What you can expect from my writing (i.e. style)[]


Usually, scary aliens are another thing that pops up into my stories.

Well, I tend to spin wibby-wobbly timey-wimey spacey-wacey angely-wangely tales when I can wrap my head around them. I also do scary stuff...and then unexpected plot twists are another big feature. And there's usually a return.
